Jurnal Algebra https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra <p><strong>Jurnal Algebra</strong> dengan ISSN : <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1599032684&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2774-8677</a>&nbsp;merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Matematika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Jurnal mempublikasikan hasil penelitian, kajian, dan gagasan pengembangan dalam bidang matematika dan matematika terapan dari para mahasiswa. <strong>Jurnal Algebra</strong> terbit 2 kali setahun. Redaksi jurnal menerima artikel yang belum pernah dipublikasikan. Redaksi berhak memperbaiki sistematika penulisan artikel tanpa merubah isi dari penulis. Artikel dimuat setelah melalui proses review dan dinyatakan diterima oleh dewan editor.</p> Program Studi Matematika UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya en-US Jurnal Algebra Optimalisasi Traffic Light Berdasarkan Kepadatan Kendaraan dengan Teknik Edge Detection Operator Sobel dan Metode Fuzzy Logic Sugeno (Studi Kasus: Jalan Margorejo Indah) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1012 <p><em>Traffic jam is one of the many problems of major cities in Indonesia that need to be solved. One form of traffic jam is long queues at traffic light. Therefore, an effort that can be used to reduce traffic jam is to build a better or efficient traffic light control system to manage traffic at a crossroads. A traffic light system that is needed is one that can adjust the time and duration of the traffic lights that are adjusted to the density of road conditions that are not dense, normal, congested, and very dense. Margorejo Indah street at Surabaya is a district that has traffic jam or long queues at certain hours. Optimization of the duration of the green light can be applied by using image data that is simulated with the edge detection method of the Sobel operator resulting in boundary values ​​to then be processed with Sugeno fuzzy logic. The results obtained for a long duration of green light obtained were 37 seconds with regard to road conditions</em></p> Azimatul Chusnia Sayyidah Wika Dianita Utami Copyright (c) 2020 Azimatul Chusnia Sayyidah, Wika Dianita Utami 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 1 11 Peramalan Jumlah Investasi Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil (UMK) dengan Menggunakan Metode Double Exponential Smoothing (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Sidoarjo) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1013 <p><em>Industry is the activity of processing raw materials into finished goods which have the added value of their purpose, which is to get more profits. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are very efficient in the economic development of the people of Sidoarjo, based on data obtained from the Disperindag of Sidoarjo Regency, the amount of investment in the micro and small industries has increased the most compared to medium and large industries from year to year. To find out the amount of investment in 2018, a double exponential smoothing method is calculated so that the forecasting result id Rp. 76.124.607.773 with an error value of 6.639%.</em></p> Pramesthi Utomo Wika Dianita Utami Copyright (c) 2020 Pramesthi Utomo, Wika Dianita Utami 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 12 21 Analisis Seismotektonik dan Periode Ulang Gempa Bumi pada Wilayah Jawa Timur Menggunakan Relasi Gutenberg–Richter https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1015 <p><em>Indonesia is located at the confluence of three tectonic plates which have caused Indonesia to have many volcanoes and become an area prone to earthquakes or tsunamis. According to the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) records, the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources shows that Java is one of the regions in Indonesia that is prone to earthquakes. The impact of an earthquake can be minimized by assessing earthquake characteristics in an area as a form of disaster mitigation. One form of this study is to conduct seismotectonic analysis as an indicator of the potential for earthquakes in Indonesia. The analysis performed is by statistical analysis of seismic level values ​​(a) and rock fragility level values ​​(b). In this study seismotectonic analysis and the period of earthquake re-occurrence in the East Java region with the relation of Gutenberg-Richter with the composition into 8 research areas. The results obtained show region III is a region that has a high risk of earthquakes, and region V is an area with a low risk of earthquake.</em></p> Dewi Wahyuni Putroue Keumala Intan Novita Hendrastuti Copyright (c) 2020 Dewi Wahyuni, Putroue Keumala Intan, Novita Hendrastuti 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 22 32 Analisis Clustering Daerah Rawan Banjir Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means (Studi Kasus: Bakorwil 2 Jawa Timur) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1016 <p><em>Floods can endanger human life, such as damaging people's houses, damaging public facilities or infrastructure and residents' agricultural land. The study of flood-prone areas can be a reference to determine the possible magnitude of losses and can be a series of government efforts to reduce disaster risk to be more effective. One area in Indonesia that is prone to flooding is Bakorwil 2 East Java, especially during the rainy season. To map or classify flood-prone areas in this study using Fuzzy C-Means. Clustering results show that 94 sub-districts in Bakorwil 2 East Java are best clustered into 5 clusters, there are 6 sub-districts which are classified as vulnerable areas with very high risk of flooding and as many as 63 sub-districts are included in flood-prone areas with very low risk.</em></p> Monike Febriyani Faris Putroue Keumala Intan Widodo Copyright (c) 2020 Monike Febriyani Faris, Putroue Keumala Intan, Widodo 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 33 40 Prediksi Beban Listrik Jangka Pendek Menggunakan Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1017 <p><em>Electricity is a primary need for all people throughout the world. In an era like this humans do not use electricity is said to be something that is very impossible. In daily life, electricity is used all the time in industrial activities, household, etc. Therefore, the predicted electricity load is needed to find out the biggest electricity usage per day in every hour. Therefore, the existence of this problem the authors conducted research on the prediction of electricity load using the ARIMA method with a case study of PT PJB UP Gresik</em></p> Safitri Indah Lestari Nurissaidah Ulinnuha Martutik Copyright (c) 2020 Safitri Indah Lestari, Nurissaidah Ulinnuha, Martutik 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 41 49 Evaluasi Kinerja Pegawai BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Wilayah Jawa Timur Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1018 <p><em>BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is a public service institution that is always trying to improve competence in order to provide the best service for the community. Performance evaluation of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan employees is one way to improve BPJS Ketenagakerjaan performance. The better the employee's performance, the easier the organizational goals can be achieved. The aspects of employee performance appraisal have many criteria with different levels of importance, so we need a method that can accommodate it. In this study applying one of the multic Criteria Decision Making methods, namely Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess the performance of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan employees. The AHP method is used to overcome complex and unstructured problems by becoming component parts in a hierarchy. The results obtained with AHP for employee X performance appraisal are 4,498 with a very satisfying category.</em></p> Ghina Salsabila Firdaus Yuniar Farida Copyright (c) 2020 Ghina Salsabila Firdaus1, Yuniar Farida 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 50 60 Pemodelan Produksi Tebu Menggunakan Metode Single Moving Average dan Exponential Smoothing Holt-Winters https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1019 <p><em>Sugar is one of the basic needs of the people of Indonesia, but the current sugar production has not been able to meet the needs of the people of Indonesia. Jombang Regency is one of the sugarcane production centers in East Java Province, which ranks fourth. This study aims to compare the results of sugarcane forecast in Jombang for the following year. Here using the Single Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing Holt-Winters multiplicative models. The data used are historical data on sugarcane production in the last 12 years calculated from 2008 to 2019. MAPE values are used to measure the accuracy of the model from the lowest MAPE results. Where MAPE is a measure of relative accuracy used to determine the percentage error in forecasting results. Based on the results, sugarcane production forecasting in Jombang with the Single Moving Average method, namely N = 2 and N = 3 obtained the best model with a value of N = 2. with a MAPE value of 23.15%. While using the Exponential Smoothing Holt-Winters Multiplicative model with α = 0.995, β = 0.0001, and γ = 0.099, the MAPE value is 18.19%. So the method with the best model is the Exponential Smoothing Holt-Winters method</em>.</p> Ghiffaroh Fudllayati Moh. Hafiyusholeh Copyright (c) 2020 Ghiffaroh Fudllayati, Moh. Hafiyusholeh, Tria Mistikawita 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 61 72 Forecasting Hasil Produksi Perikanan Budidaya Laut Menggunakan ARIMA https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1020 <p><em>The unstable production of yield production from marine aquaculture which is obtained every month, causing difficulties to determine the resources in the future. But this can be circumvented by making predictions or forecasting the yield production of marine aquaculture. Forecasting is done to plan operational of the UPT so it can satisfy requirements of the fishermen and consumers. One method that can be used is Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series. This study aims to determine the forecasting model of marine aquaculture production with ARIMA, the data used in this study are data of marine aquaculture production (kg) by districts in East Java Province at 2015 - 2018. The accuracy test of the model is done by regard the MAPE value. The results is obtained by production model of marine aquaculture are Z<sub>t</sub> = - 0.0332 Z<sub>t-1</sub> + 0.7119 Z<sub>t-2</sub> + 0.5792 Z<sub>t-3</sub> - 0.2585 Z<sub>t-4</sub> + 0.3486 e<sub>t-1</sub> - 0.4424 e<sub>t-2</sub> - 0.9463 e<sub>t-3</sub> - 7.1287 with ARIMA (4, 0, 3), which means he model is feasible to be used to forecast the results of yield production of aquaculture fishery with 22.66% MAPE.</em></p> Novika Permatasari Moh. Hafiyusholeh Sidik Purwanto Copyright (c) 2020 Novika Permatasari, Moh. Hafiyusoleh, Sidik Purwanto 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 73 80 Prediksi Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (NJOP) Tanah di Kabupaten Gresik Menggunakan Regresi Polinomial https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1021 <p><em>Land is a resource that has a strategic role in urban development. The more rapid the development of the city and the high rate of population growth, the increasing the need for a land. As a result, land prices are getting higher. The basis used in determining the amount of land value or in a sale and purchase transaction is twofold namely Nilai Jual Objek Pajak&nbsp; (NJOP). To find out the NJOP of land / m2 in each district in Gresik Regency, a prediction was made using polynomial regression. The data used are the Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (NJOP) of land / m2 in each sub-district in Gresik from 2015 to 2018 obtained when conducting Integrated Field Work Practices (PKLI) in the Revenue, Financial Management and Regional Assets Agency ( BPPKAD) Regency of Gresik. The prediction result of the NJOP value of land / m2 per district in Gresik Regency in 2029 was highest in Benjeng District of 301,530,189, while the lowest NJOP value of land / m2 was in Sangkapura District of 1,041,264.</em></p> Mir’atul Firdaus Moh. Hafiyusholeh Setyawan Widodo Copyright (c) 2020 Mir’atul Firdaus, Moh. Hafiyusholeh, Setyawan Widodo 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 81 89 Klasifikasi Ketinggian Gelombang Laut Perairan Masalembu Berdasarkan Hasil Prediksi Parameter Meteorologi Maritim Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1022 <p><em>Indonesia is a maritime country in other words a lot of daily activities and people's economy depends on competition. To support the smoothness of all activities in the field required weather forecasting, especially for waves. One example of an archipelago that relies on wave height forecasts is the island of Masalembu, which is related to the island which discusses all daily activities and repairs carried out in the waters. Therefore this study was conducted to classify wave heights on Masalembu ships including hazard classes or not. This study uses the Backpropagation method to predict meteorological parameters such as wave height, wind speed, and current speed. The results of the parameter prediction get MAPE 1.4743 with the best network architecture from the learning level of 0.3, then these results are used for the classification process with calculations using the confusion matrix. This study obtained results reaching 99.03%.</em></p> Nugroho Wahyu W. Dian C. Rini Novitasari Ady Hermanto Copyright (c) 2020 Nugroho Wahyu W., Dian C. Rini Novitasari, Ady Hermanto 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 90 98 Prediksi Kecepatan Arus Laut dengan Menggunkan Metode Backpropagation (Studi Kasus: Labuhan Bajo) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1023 <p><em>One factor that is very influential on the dynamics of the waters is the speed of ocean currents. The speed of the ocean currents has an impact on activities around the coast that is for tourists to get information about the condition of the movement of the sea. One of them is in Labuhan Bajo. Labuhan Bajo is a tourist area that has a variety of natural beauty where visitors increase every year. The influence of the west monsoon wind in Labuan Bajo is very large on the condition of sea movement, especially on ocean currents. Predictions about the speed of ocean currents are very important in marine activities, especially diving because it is an effort to prevent the occurrence of things that are not desirable because of the condition of the sea that is not conducive. In this study the method used in predicting the current speed is the Backpropagation method. By testing the hidden layer nodes and the learning rate on the Backpropagation method the best MAPE results are obtained from sharing 70% of training data with 100 hidden layer nodes and the learning rate of 0.1 is 7.59%. Whereas by sharing 80% of the best MAPE training data, there are 100 hidden layer nodes and the learning rate of 0.1 is 0.57%. Then from 90% of the data sharing training data obtained the best MAPE results in the hidden layer node 100 and a learning rate of 0.4 out of 6.65%, this shows that the Backpropagation method is very well used in predicting the speed of ocean currents.</em></p> Laily Jumhuriyah Dian C. Rini Novitasari Fajar Setiawan Copyright (c) 2020 Laily Jumhuriyah, Dian C. Rini Novitasari, Fajar Setiawan 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 99 108 Penggabungan Geometri Fraktal dengan Batik Sendang https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1024 <p><em>Batik is a characteristic of art that owned by every region, one of them is Sendang Batik originating from Lamongan Regency. Sendang batik has a characteristic of the catfish and milkfish motif, because the both animals are the symbol of Lamongan Regency. Sendang batik motif is currently still using old motifs from Sunan Sendang. Furthermore, batik can be developed by making the latest motif using one branch of mathematics, namely fractals. Fractals are objects that appear to have symmetrical similarities when viewed from a certain scale and are the smallest part of the overall structure of the object. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of merging of Sendang Batik with Fractals and to find out the results obtained from the merging process. The processing technique in making fractal batik requires geometric transformation used to operate its layout, processed using computer software. The first steps to forming fractals are to form fractals using geometric transformations that are processed using computer software and become a choice of motifs, the second is to process the sendang batik by selecting the catfish milkfish motif and adjusting the layout according to the needs of Isen, the third two motifs that have been made are combined by adding two images. The results of this study include motifs of the Sierpinski Triangle Batik with Catfish Milkfish Motifs, Koch Snowflake Batik motifs with Catfish Milkfish Motifs</em></p> Wanda Nurrahma Putri Sunaryo Aris Fanani Copyright (c) 2020 Wanda Nurrahma Putri Sunaryo, Aris Fanani 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 109 117 Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Batu Bara Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantity https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1025 <p><em>Inventory is an important factor in making a production. Many companies experience problems in terms of inventory control, one example of which is scarity of inventory. The purpose of tis study is to optimize the needs of goods so that the company will not experience problems with lack of inventory or stockpiling. This research uses the Economic Order Quantity, Safety Stock, Reorder Point, and Maximum Inventory methods by collecting data in the form of inventory of goods needs, ordering costs, and inventory costs. The results of this research are found to have an economic inventory requirement of 19.716.262 kg. Inventory costs generated through the calculation of the EOQ method are Rp. 90.750.967. The safety stock value of 855.580 kg is useful to protect and anticipate the occurrence of inventory shortages, so the company must be on guard when it is at that value. Then, the Reorder Point value is obtained at 907.210 kg. Furthermore, the value of the Maximum Inventory is 20.571.842 kg so the company is not recommended to have inventory more than that value.</em></p> Lulitasari Putri Anenda Wika Dianita Utami Copyright (c) 2020 Lulitasari Putri Anenda, Wika Dianita Utami 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 118 127 Pengukuran Kinerja Organisasi pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Surabaya (KPPN) II Menggunakan Metode Analytycal Hierarchy Process https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1026 <p><em>Performance assessment is a system used to evaluate the results of organization activities or organization performance. Performance assessment can be measured by the quality of activity that has been carried out to achieve the goal. KPPN Surabaya II is a government institution who carries out services in the field of disbursement of APBN fund. So that the performance of KPPN must be well measured. This research is used to analyze the quality of KPPN Surabaya II performance period IV, 2018. Performance assessment in this research based on several perspectives, namely stakeholder, customer, internal business, learning and growth. The method used to analyze performance assessment in this study is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), this method is used because it can solve the multi-criteria problem, that is performance assessment. Based on the result of this research obtained that the organization’s performance of KPPN Surabaya II has good value and classified on the good quality range and fulfill expectation. </em></p> Diniya Khansa Nida Yuniar Farida Copyright (c) 2020 Diniya Khansa Nida, Yuniar Farida 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 128 137 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Satuan Kerja Terbaik Kategori Pagu Besar pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Surabaya (KPPN) II dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1027 <p><em>State Treasury Office as State General Treasurer’s Authority (in Indonesia term is KPPN) has the main task of regulating income from the state to be managed and given to state ministries or institutions or work units (In Indonesian, satker). The responsibility that must be carried out by each work unit as the receiver state income includes the RPD, Budget Implementation, Reconciliation, and Treasurer Accountability Report. In the process of carrying out this responsibility, the work unit must have a good performance appraisal, because the work unit's performance evaluation will affect the KPPN's performance evaluation. In financial reporting, even though the work unit has been urged to be on time and orderly manner, there are still many work units that don’t improve their performance. So that problems such as being late in collecting reports, errors in reports continue to occur every year. This is why KPPN create a program to reward the work unit who had carried out their duties well each year so that the work unit had the motivation to be punctual and orderly in carrying out their responsibility. In this research, a method is used to select the best work units based on criteria determined by the KPPN. The method used is one of the decision support systems, it is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results obtained from this study indicate that the best work unit in the second semester of 2018 was given to the Gresik Regional Police work unit with the highest final value of 96.2987.</em></p> Husna Nur Laili Yuniar Farida Copyright (c) 2020 Husna Nur Laili, Yuniar Farida 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 138 149 Penggunaan Algoritma Kruskal Dalam Jaringan Pipa Pendistribusian Air Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Dharma Lamongan https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1028 <p><em>Water is one of the important needs for living things, especially humans. Almost all human activities need air, especially drinking water. Lack of human awareness of air pollution and a great deal is needed to distribute clean air to the community with an optimal pipeline to minimize costs. Optimizing the distance of pipelines can be done by searching for a minimum spanning tree. In this study, tree trails were searched with a minimum network of PDAM Tirta Dharma Lamongan using the Kruskal Algorithm. The results obtained in this study are pipe networks that have the shortest distance. The distance between the primary pipeline network installed with the minimum spanning tree primary pipeline network is 14,243.6 meters.</em></p> Azizatul Mualimah Aris Fanani Copyright (c) 2020 Azizatul Mualimah, Aris Fanani 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 150 156 Customer Profiling dengan Menggunakan Metode K-Means Euclidean Distance di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Tanjung Perak https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1029 <p><em>Basically humans need social security to ensure the safety of their lives and be able to fulfill their daily needs. Therefore, humans need insurance in the form of a guarantee program and companies need to do a way to group customers based on the characteristics they have or what is known as customer profiling. In this study the clustering method using the k-means euclidean distance algorithm was used. Before processing data, data needs to be normalized first, then the data is processed into several clusters. Data that has been clustered will produce a category that will be used in the customer profiling process. From this research, the first cluster included in high-paying customers was the tendency to choose the JKM, JHT program and for the second cluster included in the low-wage customer with a tendency to choose the JKK program, JKM. With this research, companies can find out the results of customer profiling to be able to take further action.</em></p> Anastasya Febiyati Ayutrisula Aris Fanani Copyright (c) 2020 Anastasya Febiyati Ayutrisula, Aris Fanani 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 157 168 Peramalan Jumlah Penumpang Kereta Api di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1030 <p><em>Transportation is a supporter of economic life, social culture, defense, and security to politics in a country. The train is efficient and anti-traffic, where the problem to this day is congestion, especially in big cities. The number of train passengers continues to increase each year and the surge in the number of train passengers occurs on Christmas and New Year holidays so that the data is seasonal. To anticipate the surge in train passengers, forecasting is needed to predict future periods. Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average is generally a development of the ARIMA method, which is a combination of an autoregressive and moving average, in addition, this method is specifically for data patterned seasonal, thus SARIMA is the right method for data on train passenger numbers. The purpose of this study is to predict the number of train passengers in Indonesia using the SARIMA Method and produce the best model of (1,1,2)(0,1,1)<sup>12</sup>, from this model a prediction of the total number of train passengers is obtained fire in Indonesia in 2020 was 492,230,700 passengers with MSE value is 0.046875 and MAPE value is 6.26 %.</em></p> Pramesthi Utomo Aris Fanani Copyright (c) 2020 Pramesthi Utomo, Aris Fanani 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 169 178 Analisis Perbedaan Frekuensi Keluhan Masyarakat dalam Dua Periode https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1031 <p><em>The Department of Communication and Information (Dinkominfo) of Surabaya City in its main duty has the obligation to manage public complaints in the field of communication and information technology besides Dinkominfo also provides facilities from the existing complaints process. Therefore this study aims to determine the differences in public complaints received by the Department of Communication and Information of the City of Surabaya in the first period and the second period during the term of office of Tri Rismaharini as Mayor of Surabaya. This research is a sample research. The sample in this study were all Surabaya people's complaints received by the Surabaya City Informatics Communication Office in 2012-2019. Furthermore, this research is different test research. In this study, the test used was a two-party test, and the use of the hypothesis analysis test was determined after knowing the results of the normality test. The results of normality tests in the two periods of Tri Rismaharini's mother's administration are normally distributed. The homogeneity test results of the two periods have the same variance. Hypothesis analysis test results in this study indicate that there is an influence of the first period in the second period.</em></p> Arisho Dewi Nur Rosyid Nurissaidah Ulinnuha Agus Ulum Copyright (c) 2020 Arisho Dewi Nur Rosyid, Nurissaidah Ulinnuha, Agus Ulum 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 179 186 Optimasi Pembagian Beban pada Turbin Gas Blok 1 dan Blok 3 PLTGU PT. PJB UP Gresik Menggunakan Metode Iterasi Lambda Berdasarkan Base Point and Participation Factors https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1032 <p><em>The operation of a good electric power system is needed in the generation system to obtain economical operating costs and optimal load sharing. Optimization of generation can be done by sharing the burden or economic dispatch to get maximum power with minimum costs. The method used is the lambda iteration based on the base point and participation factors for optimal load sharing. In this study, the lambda iteration method based on the base point and participation factors provide more optimal load sharing and lower operating costs than before. The optimal result of load sharing in the case of PT PJB UP Gresik PLTGU is the gas turbine 1.3 in Block 1 and the gas turbine 3.3 in Block 3. In Block 1, the average power generated by the 1.3 turbine gas turbine is 95,449 MW. In Block 3, the average power capable of generating gas turbines is 3.3 89,205 MW. The cost saved after optimization is obtained in the difference in Block 1 of Rp. 395.955.074,64 and Block 3 of Rp. 565.297.532,00</em>.</p> Ery Fuji Risnawati Nurissaidah Ulinnuha Copyright (c) 2020 Ery Fuji Risnawati, Nurissaidah Ulinnuha 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 187 197 Analisa Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Sambaran Petir Di Wilayah Kabupaten Pasuruan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1033 <p><em>Pasuruan is an area prone to lightning strikes because it is high ground between mountains and the sea, the Cumoonimbus cloud easily formed, which created lightning. Lightning in great quantity is a factor that affect the vulnerability levels of regions rate against lightning strikes, in additional to potential casualties or losses inflicted such as how populous the population or the level of buildings in the region hs also cused an area to be vulnerable to lightning strikes. The purpose of this reserach is to analyze the level of threat, susceptibility, and vulnerability of lightning strikes in the Pasuruan district. On the vulnerability levels of lightning strikes was affected by two factors, the threat factor is using data genesis lightning CG and the vulnerabilities factor is using data population density and land density for home and buildings. The method uses to analyze the two factors in this research uses Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to get the vulnerability levels of lightning strikes for every sub-district in the Pasuruan district those depicted on the map using ArcGIS 10 software. The result of the research showed that Puspo, Lumbang, Pasrepan, Purwosari, Pandaan, Gempol, Bangil, Rembang, Pohnjentrek Gondangwetan, Rejoso, Winongan, Grati, Lekok dan Nguling were areas which potentially had a very high level of troubled of thunderbolt.</em></p> Siti Ria Riqmawatin Putroue Keumala Intan Copyright (c) 2020 Siti Ria Riqmawatin, Putroue Keumala Intan 2020-08-31 2020-08-31 1 1 198 210