Optimalisasi Traffic Light Berdasarkan Kepadatan Kendaraan dengan Teknik Edge Detection Operator Sobel dan Metode Fuzzy Logic Sugeno (Studi Kasus: Jalan Margorejo Indah)


  • Azimatul Chusnia Sayyidah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Wika Dianita Utami UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


traffic light; edge detection operator Sobel; fuzzy logic Sugeno


Traffic jam is one of the many problems of major cities in Indonesia that need to be solved. One form of traffic jam is long queues at traffic light. Therefore, an effort that can be used to reduce traffic jam is to build a better or efficient traffic light control system to manage traffic at a crossroads. A traffic light system that is needed is one that can adjust the time and duration of the traffic lights that are adjusted to the density of road conditions that are not dense, normal, congested, and very dense. Margorejo Indah street at Surabaya is a district that has traffic jam or long queues at certain hours. Optimization of the duration of the green light can be applied by using image data that is simulated with the edge detection method of the Sobel operator resulting in boundary values ​​to then be processed with Sugeno fuzzy logic. The results obtained for a long duration of green light obtained were 37 seconds with regard to road conditions


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How to Cite

Azimatul Chusnia Sayyidah, & Wika Dianita Utami. (2020). Optimalisasi Traffic Light Berdasarkan Kepadatan Kendaraan dengan Teknik Edge Detection Operator Sobel dan Metode Fuzzy Logic Sugeno (Studi Kasus: Jalan Margorejo Indah). Jurnal Algebra, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://jurnalsaintek.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/algebra/article/view/1012


