Systemic: Information System and Informatics Journal 2023-02-23T23:37:20+00:00 Khalid Open Journal Systems <p>SYSTEMIC (Information System and Informatic Journal) publishes articles on information technology from various perspectives, including literature studies, laboratory studies, and field studies.</p> Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma AES dan RC4 pada Enkripsi dan Dekripsi Data Teks Berbasis CrypTool 2 2021-12-09T00:57:27+00:00 Risa Naili Fitriana Djuniadi Djuniadi <p><em>The development of technology is followed by a large amount of data. Not all of the data is presented to the general public, some data are strictly kept confidential because of certain interests. This study aims to test the encryption and decryption of text data (with *.txt format) to maintain confidentiality and compare the performance of the AES algorithm with RC4. This study uses the AES and RC4 algorithms with a key length of 256 bits using CrypTool 2 for encryption and decryption processes. The result of the first trial is that the encryption and decryption test of the AES algorithm on text data results in a different ciphertext size from the original text data. While the second trial was carried out by encryption and decryption of the RC4 algorithm on text data, resulting in the same ciphertext size before the simulation process was carried out. So from this research, the RC4 algorithm produces a smaller ciphertext size than using the AES algorithm.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Risa Naili Fitriana, Djuniadi Djuniadi Educational Data Clustering Menggunakan K-Means pada Seleksi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Unggulan 2023-02-22T05:50:38+00:00 Noor Wahyudi Yunita Ardilla Nanik Puji Hastuti <p><em>The National Students admissions (SNPDB) for Madrasah Aliyah is managed by the Directorate of Madrasah Curriculum, Facilities, Institutions and Student Affairs. It is essential for the Directorate and Madrasah to explore patterns and knowledge from admission data in formulating policies and programs from to MAN. Educational Data Clustering (EDC) is a data mining method that is implemented in the education area. K-means is applied to group students based on the results of learning potential and academic potential tests that will be used for development program and student admission policies at MAN-IC. The best results from the experiments tested with Silhouette dividing the data into 2 clusters are excellent and good. The Silhouete value indicates the cluster structure in the medium predicate.. The results present the distribution of clusters in 23 MAN-IC, distribution of personality profiles of prospective students, as well as recommendations for conducting tests in Madrasah.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Noor Wahyudi, Yunita Ardilla, Nanik Puji Hastuti Implementasi Model Regresi Logistik dalam Klasifikasi Kebutuhan Ruang ICU Terhadap Pasien Positif COVID-19 2022-11-07T04:52:37+00:00 Baharudin Pratama Natalia Damastuti <p><em>Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is a type of disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. The origin of the infection came from Huanan Seafood Market, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. The virus attacks the lungs and is indicate to spread to other organs such as the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, intestines, and brain. SARS-CoV-2 virus infection can threaten the life safety of infected patients by attacking the respiratory system and can spread to other organs that trigger comorbidities. The condition of COVID-19 patients with comorbidities is a consideration for ICU admission. Statistics state that 1 in 5 COVID-19 patients undergo treatment in a hospital, and 1 in 10 of them require treatment in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). In this study, the classification of ICU room needs on COVID-19 patients based on comorbidities and certain conditions using a logistic regression model. Logistic regression implemented with consideration of the data and research variables having a categorical data scale. The data is divide into two, training data and testing data with a ratio of 80%:20%. The purpose of this research is to get the accuracy of the classification. The results showed that the level of accuracy reached 87.29%.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Baharudin Pratama, Natalia Damastuti Hubungan Antara Model Pengasuhan ABC’s dengan Micro Badge Balanced Use of Technology pada Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi 2022-08-29T09:17:28+00:00 Indri Sudanawati Rozas Devi Oktaviani Nur Isnaini Wiwin Luqna Hunaida Imas Maesaroh <p><em>Online learning methods can indeed be an alternative solution to the pandemic situation, but that doesn't mean it's without risks. Cyber ​​risks can vary widely, ranging from cyberbullying, victimization, game addiction, privacy concerns, harmful content, and also eye health problems. These risks can cause serious problems, especially for children aged 5 to 12 years. One of the guidelines for the parental involvement model to assist the healthy use of information technology is ABC's. ABC is an acronym for Age-Appropriate Access, Balance, and Content Restricted. In the ABC's model, specific recommendations and examples are given on how to set boundaries so that the use of technology remains healthy and useful. On the other hand, the Digital Quotient (DQ) Institute provides a micro-certification system called the DQ Micro-Badge (DQ MB) which is listed in the IEEE 3527.1-2020 standard. DQ MB is used to assist in the assessment of a person's digital skills according to the Global Standards. </em><em>This study measures the relationship between ABC's parenting method and the achievement of DQ MB Balanced Use of Technology. Respondents used are parents who have children aged kindergarten - elementary school in the city of Surabaya. From 379 respondents' data, it was analyzed and obtained the fact that parenting using ABC's approach is proven to affect the level of digital intelligence based on the DQ MB Balanced </em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Devi Oktaviani, Indri Sudanawati Rozas, Nur Isnaini, Wiwin Luqna Hunaida, Imas Maesaroh Analisa dan Perancangan Aplikasi Marketplace Bagi Pelaku UMKM Untuk Pemulihan dan Kebangkitan Ekonomi di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 2022-11-09T05:40:46+00:00 Himawan Kristin Paulina Aditya Ridwan Fauzi <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic that hit almost all countries and it also happens in Indonesia, caused a huge impact, especially in the economic, educational, health and social fields. Many countries are experiencing extraordinary crisis due to the long-lasting Covid-19 pandemic. One example of the effect that is felt by almost the entire world community with the Covid-19 pandemic is in the economic field, this situation can be shown by the countless number of business fields that have experienced a crisis and even ended in bankruptcy. However, looking at the situation and the realities of life, business actors are starting to think about utilizing and optimizing the use of digital media, information technology media and also social media. This needs to be done by micro, small and medium enterprises or also known as “UMKM” actors to gradually transform from business forms that previously used conventional models to digitalization models. Through writing this journal, the researchers will propose a model for designing a marketplace application platform that can be used as a medium for “UMKM” actors who are members of the Prosperous Indonesia “UMKM” Cooperative (KOMINDO) to be able to market and sell various products produced by each KOMINDO member.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Himawan, Kristin Paulina, Aditya A Survey of Social Network - Word Embedding Approach for Hate Speeches Detection 2023-02-23T14:07:54+00:00 Bayu Nugroho <p>Word embedding is a technique to represent sentences in vector space. The representation itself is carried-out to build a model that would suffice in representing a particular task related to the use of the sentence itself, for example, a model of similarity among sentences/words, a model of Twitter user connectivity, and demographics of tweets model. The use of word embedding is a handful to the sentiment analysis research because it helps build a mathematical-friendly model from sentences. The model then will be suitable as feeds for the other computational process.</p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bayu Nugroho Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi pada Aplikasi Medical Contact berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Framework Ward and Peppard dan Task-Centered Design Process 2023-02-23T23:37:20+00:00 Anang Kunaefi Silvia Nandasari Clarissa Luthfia Rachmad Nur Isnaini <p><em>Health awareness is an important aspect of today's society with a pandemic. This condition also causes people to feel anxious when they want to visit the hospital. As a result, many online-based home care services emerged. This research proposes a technological innovation called Medical Contact, a digital platform prototype to bring together medical personnel such as doctors, nurses, and patients in real time even though they are in different locations. With this platform, patients are able to submit complaints and obtain health solutions from doctors efficiently. Prototyping is done using an information system strategic planning approach using the Ward and Peppard framework. In addition, the Task Centered Design method is used to design UI/UX applications. The steps in the process consist of analyzing the business environment, performing tasks and user analysis, selecting representative tasks for task-centric designs, plagiarizing, and prototyping. The results obtained are an application prototype with features, a user interface, and a user experience according to user needs that are in line with business goals.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anang, Silvia Nandasari, Clarissa Luthfia Rachmad, Nur Isnaini Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Produksi Menggunakan Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2022-08-16T03:10:29+00:00 Dudi Awalludin Eka Nurbarokah Akbar Asep Samsul Bakhri <p><em>Planning is an activity where the activity is planning something that will be carried out on the next day or time. In the production process, planning is of course very influential for the smooth production and availability of goods. In general, production planning and control can be interpreted as an activity to plan and control incoming materials, processes, and exit the production system so that market demand can be fulfilled with the right amount, right delivery time and minimum production costs. This Pruduction Planning System aims to facilitate employees in carrying out production activities, where the planning can be seen through internet or mobile media</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dudi Awalludin, Eka Nurbarokah Akbar, Asep Samsul Bakhri